Askey Studio Activities, Education, Media

Why the Devil Did You Make a Video?

After some thought, I’m pleased to begin shar­ing with you some tips and thoughts on graph­ic design in video for­mat. Are you look­ing for graph­ic design videos with straight-for­ward expla­na­tions of crafty tech­niques? If so, these Dev­il­ish Design Tips might work for you.

More Graphic Design Videos?

I have taught design for many years, live and online, to stu­dents. So you would think a quick video would be fair­ly straight-for­ward. How­ev­er, I did have to trans­form my approach. 

Or I could say: it’s nerve-wrack­ing. As is teach­ing a class. But class­es are live and ephemer­al. For videos, your per­for­mance is cap­tured for your review. It lives pub­licly. You can re-wit­ness every foible and weak­ness. And I haven’t even shown my face yet (except in the thumbnail/cover.)

There are already plen­ty of great train­ers, you-tubers, and video-mak­ers in this space. Some have seri­ous back­ing and teams of peo­ple work­ing on their videos. I can’t com­pete with that qual­i­ty yet. Just check the first video for proof:

The Journey

But, it is a jour­ney. So on the next one, I’ll try to up my game a lit­tle. Bit by bit, the audio, the edit­ing, and my voice(!) should improve. That, my friends, is design in a nut­shell: Try to make things better.

What I can offer is some­thing unique. I do have a cer­tain under­stat­ed com­port­ment. But, if you’re look­ing for a train­er that has an open-mind­ed out­look on design yet val­ues pre­ci­sion and crafti­ness then I might be able to help.

The First Video

Vec­tor let­ter­ing out­lines in Askey Stu­dio’s first video.

This video cov­ers an Adobe Illus­tra­tor tool applied in a fair­ly unique way. You will see how to use the blend tool in geo­met­ric let­ter­ing. Hope­ful­ly, you’ll find this con­tent sol­id and and distinctive.

I came up with the “How the dev­il” shtick just because that is one of those old expres­sions that makes me smile. Maybe it will res­onate. We’ll see.

Any­way, check out the Askey Stu­dio chan­nel on YouTube to come along on the jour­ney. Where it will lead? You’ll have to sub­scribe to find out, of course.

Fea­tured Pho­to by Ross Sned­don on Unsplash