Creativity, Education, Kids, Student achievements

Teaching Adaptability in Today’s World

Define success.

What makes peo­ple suc­cess­ful in life is more about the abil­i­ty to adapt, to com­mu­ni­cate, and to solve prob­lems. When we build our own selves and know our qual­i­ties, we can draw from that secu­ri­ty through­out our whole lives. Our secu­ri­ty for our future is in our own resilience. Learn­ing how to learn is a fun­da­men­tal skill that can be taught through a guid­ing and car­ing home, and community.

We do not know what the World will look like.

To know the World is to know the self, and to know the self is to know the World. Sup­port­ing kids to be kids, while  design­ing cur­ricu­lum that meets the devel­op­men­tal moments of a child puts a rea­son behind activ­i­ties stu­dents part-take in a school set­ting. Take the Wal­dorf school, as the best exam­ple, where edu­ca­tion builds peo­ple’s capac­i­ties to do, to think and to adapt to the World we live in today.

What are the mag­i­cal ways they achieve that? Social inter­ac­tions, exper­i­men­tal learn­ing, mul­ti sen­so­ry learn­ing, incor­po­ra­tion of one’s inter­ests and skills are just some of the ways to under­stand our own abil­i­ties. When we give our­selves the respect and time to learn abut who we are, we secure our abil­i­ties to adapt to a chang­ing World in the future. Take time to sup­port our whole body and spir­it every day.

Feel free to con­tact me about how you could become part of this won­der­ful way of being:)
