Creativity, Education, Graphic Design, Publication Design

Learning to create compelling publications

This semes­ter marks the end of the one-year graph­ic design pro­gram I helped mold over the last four­teen years. I am run­ning what will be the last Pub­li­ca­tion Design class. The final project in the class: the Mag­a­zine Project. The stu­dents are hard at work now, putting these together.

It is quite a process. It is one of the few team projects in the pro­gram. Team projects are not always pop­u­lar because stu­dents need to rely on each oth­er. Some­one always feels like they are doing more work than the oth­ers. Cre­ative dif­fer­ences emerge. They need to over­come tech­ni­cal and com­mu­ni­ca­tion prob­lems. In oth­er words, it is a lot like work­ing in the “real world.”

Com­pelling pub­li­ca­tions con­tin­ue to have a place in our world. Peo­ple need sto­ries, infor­ma­tion and inspi­ra­tion wrapped up in a well-designed pack­age with a par­tic­u­lar attitude.

Below I have includ­ed some process images from this project tak­en over the years. You can peruse the entire col­lec­tion of mag­a­zines here.

Arti­cle start research.
Research on dis­play type and layout
Lay­out samples
Research sam­ples.
Inves­ti­gat­ing lay­out styles.
Type tri­als and inspi­ra­tion boards
Artsy Magazine 2017 - Flat Plan
Art­sy Mag­a­zine 2017 — Flat Plan
Print proofs
Assem­bly of the very first issue (Self­ish Mag­a­zine). Stu­dents: Jen­nifer Ni, Greg Sloni­na, and Vitali Poluzhnikov
Qual­i­ty check by Mirya Nezvitskaya
Get­ting read­er feed­back for Poly­gon Magazine