Fonts, Tips & Tricks

Comic Sans? Maybe.

Those “in the know” know one thing for sure: Don’t use Com­ic Sans. Don’t use it on your web site. Don’t use it on your sign. Don’t use it on your pho­to­copied lost dog notice. Don’t use it on your comic.

This could be over­ly dog­mat­ic think­ing. Com­ic Sans was cre­at­ed for a Microsoft app in order to give a more “human” dimen­sion to the type. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, due to overuse from ram­pant dis­tri­b­u­tion, design­ers and oth­ers “in the know” have shunned it. Much has already been writ­ten on the sub­ject. For instance, this post at Design for Hack­ers goes into a lot of typo­graph­ic, his­tor­i­cal and soci­etal details about Com­ic Sans.

Also, evi­dence exists that Com­ic Sans and oth­er hard­er-to-read type­faces work well for read­ers with dyslex­ia. Still, it is some­times hard to jus­ti­fy select­ing a type­face with such a neg­a­tive reputation.

Comic Sans alternatives

Per­haps you have a project which demands a casu­al hand-writ­ten look. In your font menu Com­ic Sans lurks, but a lit­tle online search should reveal some viable alter­na­tives. Here are some I have come across: 

1. Dolcissimo Script

Fun and free-spir­it­ed with some strokes loop­ing back on themselves.

2. Dyna Pro

This one is a more styl­ish casu­al script with let­ters that look like they want to dance.

3. Soli Px

O.K., here’s a cute one with a slight back­ward angle.

4. Tait Note

And final­ly, our own Tait Note. It is some­what sim­i­lar to Soli, but more angu­lar and quirky. This is based on Jamie Tait’s scrawl­ings on var­i­ous mixed tapes from back in the day.

So there we have it for now. Keep your anten­nas up for alter­na­tives to overused type­faces and your project will have a more unique look. Stay tuned, I may post more casu­al hand­writ­ing fonts as I stum­ble across them.