What to do about Adobe’s impending lack of Pantone support?
There were a lot of thoughts out there on this one. I downloaded the Freetone palette, and so far that works pretty well for me.
Make a spot color, call it the Pantone color you intend to print. This is what I have always done, printers don’t care, and IMHO the RGB screen values in Adobe products have never truly matched up to how the actual PMS color prints
— Jessica Hische (@jessicahische) October 28, 2022
Tip: backup your current (extremely outdated) #PANTONE+ .acb and .aco files from the #Adobe InDesign/Illustrator/Photoshop/Bridge ‘Presets/Color Swatches/Color Books’ folders and—probably—restore those files after each CC update.
— Emiel Efdée (@emielefdee) September 22, 2022