Creativity, Education, Graphic Design, Student achievements

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Sep­tem­ber: New class­es have start­ed and many have been quite busy prepar­ing for them. For your inspi­ra­tion, we have set up an Insta­gram account as a space to high­light projects from our exten­sive archive of stu­dent work.

As design instruc­tors, our role is to bring out the best in our stu­dents to pre­pare them for the work­ing world. Of course, we can’t take full cred­it for every­thing there – the stu­dents’ tal­ents, inspi­ra­tions and oth­er instruc­tors play a huge role in the suc­cess of these projects.

We’ve start­ed by con­cen­trat­ing on graph­ics and illus­tra­tion, but oth­er areas of prac­tice will come into play as the series roles on. Hope you check it out and enjoy.

BTW – if any “stake­hold­ers” object to the shar­ing of any projects, just con­tact us. Thanks.